How Do You Motivate Yourself

How Do You Motivate Yourself


How do you motivate yourself?

Many of us rely on others most of the time for the motivation to achieve our goals and dreams. We constantly think we need some kind of validation that we can actually achieve them. But sweetheart, not everyone out there understands your dreams! And it’s not that they don’t believe in you, very often they are just projecting their own thinking and insecurities on you. For this reason, it is important that you know how to motivate yourself; how to cheer yourself up!

I have always been and always will be a dreamer. But at the same time I also struggle a lot with myself. I often doubt and have a hard time to believe in myself but that doesn’t stop me from dreaming!

I may deny it many times, but yes I do expect others to validate my dreams and my ability to achieve them.

For example, it’s difficult for some of my own to understand my dreams. Though they are always having my back and always support me in everything, I somewhere doubt that they really believe I can do it. But the same people are always here for me and bear with me no matter what the situation is

I recently discovered that reading other people’s success stories can be so inspiring and empowering. After watching a video or reading an article about these people I often find myself asking “If they can do it, why can’t i?” and the moment I realize that am having all the opportunities and resources to succeed there is no excuse!


Below are some tips on how can you be your own motivator.

  • Recognize and celebrate your successes!

Many times, we tend to ignore our accomplishments and consider them as inferior. I suggest you to keep a journal of success and write them down in it. Let them flow in your mind and boost you up instead of those failures pulling you down. And celebrate your successes, reward yourself for them; after all it required a lot of hard work. Don’t wait for others to validate them you don’t need a fan club you can be your own cheerleader!

  •  Be your own best friend and talk to yourself

Am not suggesting that you sit and chat with yourself whole day but every once in a while give yourself that great energetic pep talk which makes you believe you can do anything. This can be easier if you consider yourself as your own best friend. Imagine your best friend coming to you with her morale down and you are the only one who can motivate her and cheer her up so that she believes in herself again. So every time you are about to talk to yourself, just stop and ask yourself if you would say the same to your best friend.

  • No matter what happens, Always believe in yourself

Having external sources of inspiration and motivation is great, but sometimes they may not be reliable and often not permanent. The one thing you know you can always turn up to is yourself. A positive relationship with yourself is the best thing to own. Yes, I agree it is more easier said than done and it does take lots of time and efforts but once you master it, you will always have your back no matter what the situation may be.

  • Don’t be afraid to take risks

If it turns out right, it’s wonderful and if it turns out wrong, take it as a lesson and use it as a stepping stone to success. Never regret any decision that you take. The moment you regret, next time you will be scared to take the risk. No matter what you do in life something can go wrong. You could stay indoors all the time but something detrimental may still happen. If your decision is not causing any mental or physical damage to yourself and your surroundings, go ahead! You will get millions of thoughts and excuses popping up in your mind trying to stop you from taking the risk, but always remember to outweigh them with reasons you should take the risk. Ride the waves of fear and go for it!!


“Believe you can and you are halfway there” – T.Roosevelt