12 Beautiful truths of life

12 Beautiful truths of life

12 Beautiful truths of life

  1. You only live once
    You can’t undo the past, there is no reset button. All you must do is try one more time. No matter how many times you fail or feel rejected, don’t worry. We all have only one chance to live, so try something different every single day!
    Realize that life doesn’t last forever! Quit feeling sorry for yourself and get up; Shine now!

  2. The real power lies in your soul
    Most of our lives are controlled by ego; which is easily battered and bruised. When you learn to operate from your soul, you will discover the source of unconditional love, strength, wisdom and joy. Your soul is different from your ego, it can’t be harmed by other people’s opinions or anything else. Your soul is the true you, its where your real power resides!

  3. The answers are in front of you
    We have been taught to look for the answers to our questions or solutions to our problems from outside. But the truth is that you already know most of the solutions to our problems. Its just that we haven’t consciously accepted them. They are there somewhere in a corner of your mind but until you take a break, chill and sit down calmly, they won’t come to you. Trust that you have everything you’ll ever need inside of you right at this moment.

  4. Words are powerful
    Watch your words, they can reinforce your reality or bring about big sparks of changes.
    Words can be spoken, written or typed- the medium doesn’t matter only the words do. The words you use usually do the talking for you- the job you get, the person you fall in love with. All happens through the words you used at that particular time. Choose your words wisely and if given the choice always opt for a spoken conversation rather than a written one. Never underestimate written words!

  5. Your career doesn’t define you.
    You are more than your career. Anyone who judges you based on your career is missing who is the real you!

    Who you are and how you treat people will always matter more than your career!
    We can be tempted to judge people based on the job they do or the money they make, but remember that people will not remember what you did, but will certainly remember how you made them feel!
  6. You are unique
    That’s one of the biggest reasons why you should stop comparing yourself with others. Your choices, your decisions are what make you into the beautiful creation you are. Even if it takes ten tries to get that dream job, even if you fail ten times before succeeding, it’s totally okay!
    You don’t have to have a perfect life, and you don’t have to compare your life with perfect movie situations!
    Embrace the beautiful mess you are and get back into the show, give the best of yourself!

  7. Celebrate life
    Be grateful for the gift of life. Some people didn’t wake up today morning. Be thankful you are standing on your own feet, you are with your loved ones. Be thankful for being able to open your eyes this morning! Life isn’t that bad, is it?
    Celebrate these little joys, do not take them for granted.

  8. A simple text means a lot
    Everyone you know is fighting their own battles which you don’t have any idea of. Sending a small cute message or text to somebody you know or love may take just thirty seconds and maybe that is enough to bring a smile on somebody’s face and ease someone going through a bad day!
    Sometimes a little kindness can bring more happiness or smiles than expected, and trust me; this kindness is going to find its way back to you when you are in need!

  9. There is always a second chance!
    You can always start over again. There is always more time. Do not lean onto failure, start it all over again and just try 1% only 1% harder than you did last time, believe me success will come to you. You will achieve all those goals; what matters is that you do not give up and you keep trying.

  10. Learn to say sorry
    Let go of your ego, learn to say sorry and solve problems. Most problems start off when one party refuses to accept their mistake; sorry is that one word which could prevent so many problems in the world.
    When given the option to either live with problems or say sorry, please put your ego aside and choose sorry!

  11. You can love unlimitedly
    Love is like a flame, you can decide to light up the life one person or decide to light up the lives of 100. The more lives you help to light up, the more beautiful the world becomes and the brighter will your life shine!
    So spread some love wherever you go and leave a sparkle!

  12. Law of attraction
    Have you ever heard of the power of law of attraction? Well, trust me it works. Your life eventually becomes a reflection of your most dominant thoughts. If you believe the world is a loving and beautiful place, it will be. If when you wake up, you believe and have the hope that today is going to be a great day, it will be! So, make sure to have beautiful and positive thoughts all the time, for it is what you are attracting into your life.