What is Gender Pay Gap?

What is Gender Pay Gap?

 What is gender pay gap?

Gender pay gap is the average difference in the remuneration or working men and women, where women are generally paid less than men. Very often, women find themselves earning less than men while performing the same types of works.

According to 1994 Programme of Action, having deadline of 2030; gender equality is the fifth of out seventeen sustainable developmental goals agreed by 193 countries all over the globe. 

A recent study showed that women earn 23% less than men around the world; a woman earns 77% of what a man earn and it will take an approximate of 70 more years before the gap is closed.

 According to The State of World Population 2017, a report by United Nations Population Fund stated that; no country is untouched by sexism and discrimination when it comes to women in the workplace. Women often find themselves earning less than men while doing the same types of jobs; and also engaging more frequently in unskilled, low-wage labor and spending more time in unpaid care-giving at home.

Women make up 52% of the world population but in 2017, only 48% women formed part of the global labor force. The world population of men is 51% and yet 75% participated in global labor force.

Out of 126 countries considered, only in Columbia, Jamaica and Saint Lucia have women occupying at least half of the managerial positions in the workplace.

To some extent the reason of the gap comes down to education. A whole bunch of around 479 million women are illiterate compared to 279 million men. Women are also often pressured not to opt subjects like mathematics and sciences which further narrow down their career choices in the future. While being able to reproduce is taken as the specialty of women, they are often penalized for that. While some do not get maternity leaves other pay a kind of “motherhood penalty for it.” Other factors such as child marriage, early pregnancy among many other also contribute to it. Women are engaged 2.5 times more than men in household works and very often carry the unpaid responsibility of caring for relatives and children.


Women have been fighting for equal rights since almost 200 years now. Though there has been some improvements, there is still a big part of the work which should be done. Almost 50 influential companies have taken the pledge to conduct internal analysis and ensure that men and women are being paid equally but also there are many others who have refused and who will still refuse.

Some of the companies who are working to achieve gender parity are Facebook, Cisco, Apple, CVs and Johnson & Johnson.

Bridging the gender pay gap is going to take much longer. However there are certain small gestures which you can make to close the gap for yourself and for other women, no matter where you work. Below are some guidelines which you can follow:


  1. Improve your negotiation skills

Studies reveal that men are better negotiators when it comes to salary. Know that salaries are always negotiable irrespective of what the employer tells you. So don’t settle for anything lesser than you think you deserve. One of the most effective tactics when negotiating is staying silent after asking for the particular salary. Give the other person a chance to speak; don’t try to justify the amount you asked for.


  1. Choose the right time to ask for it

If you have decided that you deserve a raise, consider the timing. Its best to negotiate when you have been praised or your company is making profits. You have to show some valid reasons to your employer as to what the company is getting by giving you more money. Be friendly, appreciate your colleagues, and show concern for the company’s challenges and focus on larger goals.


  1. Talk about yourself

Self promotion can be very off putting but its important to let your supervisors know when you do something well or accomplish a goal for the company. Use tools like LinkedIn, and choose a public setting. Use regular blogs or discussions about your work while highlighting successes and position yourself well so that other companies can see you and offer you jobs.