Ways to deal with failure in your career

Ways to deal with failure in your career

Ways to deal with failure in your career

Most of us usually run a mile from failure, however sometimes it catches us up. Even the most successful people have un into failure at some point of time, even they had to face difficulties, but what determines your success is how you deal with failure using it as the stepping stone.
Researches claim, if you are below 30 years of afe, there is a 90% chance of losing your job in the nexdt 20 years of time. Therefore, remember that failure is a part of life which everyone has to go through at some point of time. Think of failure as an opportunity to step back so that you can jump higher.

Whether you are an entrepreneur fighting against closure of your business or an employee facing shortcomings in your career, we came up with seven simple solutions to save you from drowning in the fear of failure.

  1. Accept how you feel
    when you have just failed, it will hurt, sometimes it hurts a lot. But that’s okay. Don’t push away this feeling by distracting yourself and don’t try to hide it with a fake smile. When you accept this feeling it usually goes away faster and in the long run it becomes less painful. On the other hand, if you reject it now and pretend all is good, it will haunt you for a longer time and make you will sad and down at unexpected times.

  2. Own up your mistakes and take control.
    Face the situation and control it before it starts controlling you. Acknowledge what happened and accept that you can’t change the past, but you can certainly use it as a lesson and be careful in the future. Instead of pushing the blame on secondary factors and cursing your luck, own up the part you played in it which messed up things. Admit that you need to change certain things and recognize them. Work on making yourself better so that you can progress.

  3. Learn from others!
    Many successful business people have faced some sort of setback in their career and they used it as the stepping stone to come back stronger and shine. Walt Disney was told he lacks imagination and creativity. Oprah Winfrey was fired from her first TV job as an anchor and today owns her own TV channel. Read success stories of people who failed and use it as your motivation.
  1. Step out of your comfort zone!
    Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.
    ~Brian Tracy

    Mould your setbacks into opportunities. Look at them as the turning points of your career. Sometimes doing things in the same fashion may not get you anywhere and this is time you should try something new and daring. Identify new paths and try see where they lead you.
  1. Think about pursuing further education
    Learning never stops. As professionals, very often we stop growing or sometimes even regress. As you try new paths, you may realize you need more expertise and knowledge to progress in your career. Your knowledge should be constantly updated specially if you are in the field of technology where everything is progressing so fast. Remember that you need not necessarily need to get a new formal degree from an institute, instead you may opt for short term courses, certificate programs available online or seminars and conference.

  2. Consider being an entrepreneur
    If you feel you are stuck in a role where your skills are not being utilized, you may think about opening a side business such as a blogging network. You may earn a more fulfilling position and it may turn out to be that one successful startup you were looking forward to!

  3. Be confident
    Don’t be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so!
    ~ Belva Davis

    Keep your confidence in yourself despite your failure. Failure is not the end of everything, remember that. You will have to put in a lot of effort and learn as much as possible from the failure but at the same time, you have the ability to make your dream come true. Be confident and go for it. When you have the courage to dream, you should have the courage to pursue them also!

Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I’ve met people who don’t want to try for fear of failing.  –J.K Rowling