When at crossroads

When at crossroads
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When at crossroads
When at crossroads
When at crossroads

We often find ourselves at crossroads, not knowing what to do.

While on a morning beach walk, a young lady decided to start walking to her left side along the shore. After around 5 minutes of walk, she found her path ahead full or rocks and corals.  It seemed impossible to be walking through it without the proper walking shoes. Well, guess what, she was barefoot!

Now, she had 2 options either to continue on the path which was seeming so complicated to walk on or turn around and change direction, but this young lady was pretty much tough headed.

What she did was she chose to see where she was placing her foot at that present moment instead of choosing to see the long way full of rocks and corals ahead.

Well, yeah she did get pricked and stumbled quite a few times but she also came across beautiful sea shells among those corals.

Had she changed her direction, the walk would be way much smoother but would she get those beautiful seashells?

Well, I guess that’s how life is. It’s pretty much the same. The most beautiful things come when we don’t feel ready for something, when we are hesitant but we just take a leap of faith. We may not always be well equipped emotionally, financially and all the other ‘lly’s’ you wanna add to the list.

In today’s world, we too often chase perfection, success, titles and materialistic things that we tend to push people away while doing so. In the heat of the moment, we forget the importance of relationships, memories, love, being there for each other, having someone to come home to.

Imagine coming home after a tough day at work and being welcomed with a teddy bear hug, a fresh meal prepared out of love for you, freshly smelling laundry sorted out, some fresh flowers nicely arranged. Kind of fixes you right?

As much as this sounds and feels comforting right now, you gonna push it away the moment you can choose between it and something else. That’s because, we only realise the value of good things during bad times.


You can choose to remember the story of this young lady and take a leap of faith while taking one step at a time towards this daunting experience, or you can just screw it all.

At the end of the day, its your call.


From a girl who loves the beach