How to improve communication in your relationship?

How to improve communication in your relationship?

How to improve communication in your relationship

As time goes on, communication in a relation tend to get flat. After several years of dating or marriage, few people may think that they already know each other well and there is nothing else to talk about. The chats become shorter, phone calls become more direct and cold. You may even find yourself struggling in a conversation. Long drives become more silent and overall your communication and conversations become colder and dryer.

However, your situation is not unique, almost all relationships have to go through this stage at some point of time But how do you restore the lively, joyful and warm communication? Well, we came with a few tips which you can try to implement and re-establish your communication with your loved one.

  1. Don’t panic!
    When you panic on realizing that the communication between both of you has changed, you may begin to force conversations and this will make things awkward for both of you. Relax, they are your sweetheart and you can handle the situation.

  2. Share your knowledge
    Maybe you read something new today, learnt a new lesson in college, discovered something new, read a new chapter of your novel. Share it with your partner. Do not hesitate to share your knowledge In a way this exposes you to new content and also you have more to talk about.

  3. Engage more with your family and friends
    Nowadays, couples tend to chose to have a nuclear family and do not meet up with friends and family very often. Try to spend some more time with them and do things together as a couple. This helps make your bond stronger and will help you have some new experiences and make memories.

  4. Kiss more
    Kissing arouse all other senses. If you fall short of words, take a plunge into deep slow kisses and you will be amazed to find flowing words following your kisses.

  5. Go on dates more often
    After marriage, many couples stop going on dates. Being at home all the time can be monotonous. Every once in a while, arrange a surprise candle light dinner for your partner, or just go out on a date spending some quality time together!

  6. Compete with each other
    Here am talking about healthy competitions, maybe about a sports game or simply who will blink first. The winner could be rewarded by let’s say 50 kisses or a massage. This will add more fun to your relationship and help beat the boredom.

  7. Do chores together
    With a hectic lifestyle, you may not have much time to spend with each other. Try opting for preparing Sunday lunch together, or maybe gardening. It’s more about the fun you will have by doing it together than the help!

  8. Flirt more
    The more you flirt with your partner, your relationship will seem newer. Choose to be naughty on the phone or face to face and let the communication spice up! Its normal to send some exciting pictures to your partner and make them impatient for you.

  9. Make love more often
    After marriage, especially when you have kids, couples tend to lose their intimacy and end up making love rarely or less frequently. This intimacy is important in a marriage. Try to be more connected and make love more often, you will notice the change.

  10. Be available
    One of the most important tip I want you to remember is, Be available! Do not rush in your communications, sometimes some conversations need a warm up for the person to actually open up. Listen to understand your partner do not listen to answer!