De-cluttering reduces anxiety and stress

De-cluttering reduces anxiety and stress

It has been proven that staying organized reduces stress and anxiety from your life. The physical environment around you is actually actively affecting your mental and emotional well being. People with a clean and organized home often appear to have everything sorted out in their life and is often a symbol of having all their ducks in a row. A disorganized home is often a sign of someone having their emotions all over the place.

This is mainly because we reflect what’s going on inside of our body and mind on our outside environment. The best way to bring a change is to alter your outside environment based on how you want to feel on the inside. Having clutter and mess all over the house will reinforce negative emotions in your life. When you are already stressed or anxious, clutter and messiness makes it worse, whereas having a clean and organized home automatically shifts your mood and reduces your anxiety and stress.

Clutter  boosts up anxiety

Do you automatically feel more stressed or anxious when you look around yourself? If yes, this is a sign that your space is unorganized and messy. Walking into a messy kitchen with dirty kitchen and countertops, walking into a bedroom with unmade bed, clothes over the floor and messy table will make anyone feel stressed and disoriented while on the other hand walking in a clean, organized kitchen and bedroom brings the feeling of relaxation and clears out the much needed space in your head for you mental and emotional well-being.

Our brain is pretty savvy and small habits makes a big difference over time. Start by making small changes for example, every night before going to bed, put some displaced items back to their normal place such as if your kids toys are scattered all over the place, put it back in order, place your laundry in the laundry room or washing machine. Doing this will let your mind know that it needs to be done mentally too. You will then notice that you wake up fresher than usual.

Schedule and list out!

List out your plans and projects and mark them on  a calendar. Crossing out chores on your list will boost your self-esteem. When you have your goals listed down and steps to reach them detailed up, cross each step as you complete them, this will give you confidence in your ability to get things done and reaching your goals. Having a pre-made list of errands will make you more likely to stick to them.

Find a routine and follow it.

If you feel you have to much to do in a single day, assign yourself a day to each of them. Make a list of all the positive and healthy habits you want to start off with for example, meditation, yoga or gym. Note down your daily routine and then schedule them in your daily routine one at a time. If you cannot find time to meditate during the day, start off by meditating five minutes before you sleep, it will actually make a difference.


One of the sure ways to stick to a new goal is by following a routine, include the goal into your daily life. As human beings we tend to thrive on habits. Its less stressful when we know how are we going to spend the upcoming few days, and it actually becomes exciting when you look forward to something. After removing the physical clutter around you, your mind will clear up and you will be able to think more straight and be more willing to try new positive things which actually add value to your life.