A Beginner's guide to healthy eating

A Beginner's guide to healthy eating

A Beginner's guide to healthy eating


Healthy eating can sometimes be a real struggle specially when you are surrounded by so many diet blogs, fitness experts and nutritionist telling you different things. This complicates things and makes a truly healthy lifestyle seem almost unattainable when reality is healthy eating isn’t difficult. To help you out, here’s a beginners guide to healthy eating.


Say no to Packaged Foods

Avoiding processed and packaged food is the first step to a healthy eating habit. Any processed item contain high quantities of saturated fat which when consumed in large quantities results in  heart diseases and other health complications. Although these food items may taste delicious and feel good to the mouth, they are equally harmful to your body.

Some people may find it difficult to let go of all processed foods, when that’s the case, please go through the nutrition facts on the packaging specially details about sodium content, trans fat and saturated fats and calories. Note that sometimes these values are for one serving, in that case multiply the figures with the number of servings the pack offers.

While on your grocery shopping, the safest option is to stick to fresh produce such as fruits, vegetables and organic meats.



Do not skip Meals!

Skipping meals in the name of healthy eating is a mistake you should not be doing. It is dangerous as it results in making you hungrier and therefore you may crave a quick sugar release and finally opt for an unhealthy snack.

Furthermore, if you are hungry, you are likely to seek out the fastest and readily available option which may not be the healthiest. Therefore, instead of skipping meals, eat on time and snack on fruits, vegetables and unsalted nuts. These are slow release foods which will provide you with energy over a longer period of time and prevent cravings of unhealthy snacks like chips and chocolates.



Plan your meals

Meal planning is another way of making healthy eating easier. Although this concept is often spoken by fitness junkies, it’s a method that can be helpful for everyone. It gives you a lot of control in terms of what you eat in a week. You will be able to write a list of what you are going to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday throughout the week and you can also generate your grocery list from you meal plan to facilitate the process.

Having your meals planned and sorted out, prevents you from being lazy by thinking what to eat and ending up choosing the ‘easy option’ which is most of the time unhealthy.

meal planning| Beginners diet| healthy eating guide














Stay away from High Calorie Drinks

Regardless of how well you eat, if you consume a lot of sugary and high calorie drinks, you are not going towards a healthy lifestyle. You should pay equal attention of what you are drinking.

Drinks do not keep you full and are just empty calories, By drinking high calorie drinks, you are wasting calories which could be spent on a healthy appetizing food item. The best drink is water, so instead of wasting calories on sugary drinks, consume more water and save up your calories for real foods!


Portion Size

Eating healthy food items doesn’t mean you can eat how much ever you want. It is very common for us to eat more than what we really need. You should try to recognize when you are full and stop eating beyond that point. Infact it is suggested to eat until you are three-quarter full.

Be mindful of your portion size and of what your plate consists of. Your ideal plate should consists of one quarter of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and protein respectively.



Find the system that works for you

The best thing about eating healthy is that you get to choose, it’s not restricted as long as you are eating the right things in the right quantities.

Remember that what works fine for others might not work for you and vice versa. For some people meal planning works pretty well but for others it doesn’t. But that doesn’t mean you cannot eat healthy. Find a way that works best for you so that healthy eating doesn’t feel like a chore or a challenge and ends up being tedious where you eventually quit.

Choose the way you want to plan and prepare your meals, use the ingredients you wish to experiment with, as long as it’s healthy and in the right proportion, you need not worry.

Make eating healthy a lifestyle and enjoy the positive changes it brings in you.