How to keep a pregnant women happy?

How to keep a pregnant women happy?

How to keep a pregnant woman happy!

The nine months of pregnancy is the most beautiful period in a woman’s life. However, with the changing body during pregnancy, many women feel less pretty and sexy while pregnant.

As a husband, you may not be able to take away all the annoying pregnancy symptoms including mood swings, fatigue, nausea etc.. But you can certainly make your lady feel better. Studies have shown that the emotional well being of the mother directly affects the baby’s psychological and neurological development; hence, it is essential for the mother to feel happy during this life changing experience. It has also been seen that happier women give birth to healthier babies.

The hassle is how to make a pregnant woman feel better. A little of extra effort will have to be made so that pregnancy and birth is easier and more comfortable for both of you. We came up with few tips on how to make your woman feel beautiful and happy during her pregnancy!


  1. Tell her she is beautiful
    These words are music to every woman’s ears. Your wife would certainly not feel her best due to stretch marks, varicose veins, tender breasts, swollen feet among many others. Sometimes they may not feel beautiful even though their partners see them beautiful with all their imperfections. Your pregnant wife feels the need of your reassurance that you still find her beautiful. Start her days with some lovely compliments and remind her of how much you love her throughout the day, you will notice how she feels instantly better.

  2. Take her for shopping
    Make her feel she is worth all the cost of her maternity clothes. Let her choose her own clothes in which she feels more comfortable, and appreciate her choices. Remind her of how cute she looks with her growing belly. Help her feel sexy with her new curves and this will help her boost her confidence.

  3. Cook for her
    During pregnancy, she will tend to feel constantly hungry. Try to make a healthy meal for her once daily. Due to the annoying symptoms she may feel exhausted to cook what she feels like eating. Sometimes she may try to eat less due to feeling sick. Take some time out and cook for her, she will definitely appreciate you for that plus it’s a great way to ensures she gets some rest.

  4. Give her a massage
    Some soft back rubs and foot massage is all she needs to help her feel better. During pregnancy, women tend to feel uncomfortable due to swollen feet, weight gain, hormonal changes and fatigue. A massage in the neck, back, shoulders and feet is a great way to help her relax and also to spend some quality time together.

  5. Accompany her to her appointments
    Always try your best to be with her at each of her doctor’s visit. This will show her that you are always by her side and that she is not alone in this. You will also be up to date with all the progress and this in turn will help you to prepare better for the child birth. You may experience to listen to the heartbeat of your baby together on the sonogram.

  6. Be Patient
    Due to hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, your wife may go through crazy mood changes. She may end up crying for no reason and then suddenly laughing. You will have to be patient and understand her. Listen to her and accept her situation. Do not be angry on her, as it’s not in her control. She needs your shoulder to cry on and your arms to rejoice in.

  7. Pamper her
    Remind her how much you love her and value her. Some small gestures may bring a big smile on her face. Send her some flowers, a greeting card. Take her out on a surprise dinner or on a walk at your favourite place. Remind her of the beautiful journey you came through and thank her for giving you this upcoming gift. All these small things will make her happy and will always bring a smile to her face.

  8. Help her get some sleep
    As the pregnancy will progress, it will be more difficult for her to get proper sleep. The growing baby exerts extra pressure on her spines and intestines; as a result she will have more trouble and pain falling asleep. When you see her still sleeping in the morning, do not wake her up. Grant her some extra hours of sleep during the weekends- she deserves it!

  9. Help her out as much as possible
    Pregnancy will leave her physically and emotionally exhausted. She may find simple household chores as a hassle. Try to help her with them, with the shopping, groceries, laundry. Maybe you could hire a maid to help her out through her routine.