Understanding your Menstrual Cycle

Understanding your Menstrual Cycle
Understanding the Menstrual Cycle

Understanding your menstrual cycle


Many young women do not have enough understanding and knowledge about their menstrual cycle, yet it is something that us women have to go through every month. There are so many changes happeneing over the month to our body and we are yet unaware of these changes. Many of us do not know what is happening t our body during priods and how do we count our cycle. 

Understaning the menstrual cycle is important to :

1. Help predict the bleeding pattern and fertile dates

2. Check for any unusual irregularities

3. Help in family planning

4. Help your doctor to better understand any problem and come to a more precise diagnosis in case of any problem.

The menstrual cycle has been explained in simple terms in the pictures below to help you better understand it.

What is menstruation? understanding your cycle


Phases of the menstrual cycle


How to count your cycle


first 5 days of periods, Menstrual phase


Follicular phase, ovulation, ovulation phase


Luteal Phase, Pregnancy

Did you know that stress affects your menstrual cycle and flow to a great extent?  We have all the information that you need to know about it. 

Click on this link to know how stress affects your periods: https://letherrise.com/post/how-does-stress-affect-your-menstrual-fow