Vaginal Discharge-All you should know

Vaginal Discharge-All you should know

Vaginal Discharge

Let's admit it,  we all get it at one stage or another, but it’s important to know what is normal! Below is explained through informative illustrations all you need to know about vaginal discharges. You will learn to differentiate between what's normal and healthy and what's abnormal and unhealthy. 

Discharges are responses from our body and a sign to let us know whats happening inside. Based on the color and consistency of our discharges we can have an idea of what the problem could be. 

Let's break the stigma and know our discharges, also do not forget to see your General Practitioner or your gynacologist for any concern. 

What is vaginal discharge, Importance of vaginal discharge


Functions of Vaginal Discharge, what is the use of vaginal discharge


normal and abnormal vaginal discharge, what is a normal vaginal discharge


yellow vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge color, green spotting


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