What is it like to go through frequent mood swings?

What is it like to go through frequent mood swings?

What does it feel like to go through frequent mood swings?

Have you ever experienced days where you suddenly feel restless, nothing you do pleases you anymore and you find yourself lacking the motivation to do the things you once loved to do
You get tired form a long day of doing nothing and start falling asleep by 8.00 pm.
A heaviness creeps over your body when you lie down. Impatience, irritability, anger take over you. Strange thoughts start to linger around in your mind when you wake up.

Everything seems so difficult, even getting out of the bed and reaching the bathroom seems tedious. Little tasks seem like a big deal and every bump on the road now resembles a mountain to climb. Hence you choose to ignore it; you try to keep your mind busy. You choose to write, sing and all it takes to distract yourself from the truth of what’s coming.

You run from it, and you run for days…  

 After a couple of days, you suddenly wake up too tired to run anymore. You lie in bed for the whole day and allow the thoughts to creep in. “you are alone, nobody understands, you are horrible, you are a bad girlfriend, a bad daughter…” You keep thinking without being able to control your mind, you can imagine your mind as a machine working endlessly for days and days, you can actually hear the rumbling of the machine and then finally tears roll down and you cry yourself to sleep.

One fine day you wake up, feeling brighter than the morning sun. You now go from lying in bed all day to being excited and joyful. You know few good days are coming ahead. You are now more chatty and social, you want to go out and have fun. You do your make up nicely you want to talk to people and try new things.


You go out, spend money on yourself, pamper yourself, buy new books, write new stories, re-design your room just to make out the most of these good days. It all makes you feel so good again that you believe you are happy again- and you actually are. You find yourself with a brighter smile, you are now happy both from the outside and the inside, you feel good about yourself.

But then suddenly, dark days creep in again and the rain pours after a crack of thunder. All the smiles, the fun melt down with the rain.. The happy days go so quickly that it feels like you haven’t been happy from years…

Well, this is what someone with frequent mood swings go through!