Choosing the right career

Choosing the right career

Choosing the Right career

Deciding what do you want to do for the rest of your life is a very important and delicate task which only you can solve. You should probably pen down all your thoughts and options so that you can get a clearer idea of what is going on in your mind.

You might be confused with all the different options coming from your parents, friends, teachers and relatives. But the ultimate decision has to be from you, with the full consent from your soul and mind.

We all have a purpose including you! You might be wondering how you serve your purpose. Well you find out your purpose by combining your talents and natural abilities with your passion of what you want to achieve. That one thing that drives you – that is your passion

To try figure out what to you truly want to do for the rest of your life, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What did you always want to be when you were younger?

As a child, you had a fearless mentality but as you grew up, thoughts like “am not good enough that could never happen” pop up and you have the tendency to give up on what you always wanted to do. So this remains the first question you should ask yourself.

  1. What makes you happy?

What do you love doing? What are you passionate about?
What to you feel helps you make a contribution in the world?
Try to find the answers to these questions and you should most probably be drawn to the field you belong!

  1. How do you want to serve or help others?

How do you think you can impact or bring a change to the lives of others? As you find your purpose you will also see ways in which you can change the lives of people for the better. You will see ways how you can make the world a better place.

  1. How do you see yourself spending your days?

Try visualize your ideal day at work. Are you in front of a computer at a desk or outside travelling? Do you see yourself working for someone else or independent? Try have a clear vision of how you want it to be and then work towards it.

  1. Do you know anyone else with the same occupation?

If you have contacts in fields you are thinking to enter, the best thing to do is to get in touch with them and try getting to know how it actually works. It can help you decided if this is really what you want to do.

                Now sit back and write down your answers and plan on taking the necessary actions to get what you want.
Know that once you have a plan, you can achieve all your goals.