Girl to woman: The unpredictable Transition

Girl to woman: The unpredictable Transition

Facing the unpredictable transition of being a girl to being a woman


The transition from childhood to adulthood often comprises of making some major decisions which could make or break you.

For me, the transition from girl to woman began when I had to choose what to study at a tertiary level to the never ending thoughts and questions about who I want to be and where do I see myself in the future.

Flying abroad for my further studies has played an important role in shaping me into the woman I am today. I went through the toughest time in the beginning, and I have learnt a lot.

It all started when I had to come out of the bubble I was living in- where the world was a fairy tale full of good experiences. I was now acknowledging and accepting the different vices of the society and I was also recognizing my own vices.

With barely another 6 months before I return back to my motherland, with an identity of my own and the ability to stand on my own feet; all I have to tell you is that it was all worth it.

If you are currently facing a difficult time in this transition, here’s my top advice to you:


Take the risk

Whether it’s life in general or in business, take the risk. Ignore that little voice in your head telling you that you can’t make it. I understand its not easy to do so, but once you succumb to it, it will always hold you back and perhaps you will never realise your potential to the fullest, so ignore it!

Remember what Thomas Jefferson once said  “ If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.”


Grab every opportunity

I have personally come across opportunities which I thought was too big for me and I didn’t deserve it. I regret this. Fill out as many applications as you can, volunteer in all events possible, meet as many people as you can and build your social network. You may not get them all, but even one can make a difference and get you the opportunity to learn something new. And remember unless you try, you won’t get anything.

“If an opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”~ Milton Berle

Start small

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take the first step and little steps at a time, you will eventually reach where you want to. If you want to set up a small business online or start a blog, go for it. Sit down, Write a plan and identify the steps you need to take to execute your plan.

“Dream big, start small, but most of all start.” – Simon Sinek


Be determined, focused and stay committed.

Nothing can come in the way of a determined person. Cultivate these three qualities and apply them in everything you do.
There will be bad days, there will be times where you will fall down; that’s okay. What matters is you getting up again each time and coming back stronger than ever.

“Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been so that you stand up taller than you ever were.”


Keep the right company

Remember that the size of your circle doesn’t matter. I have found myself down to less than five people in my circle at many points in my life. Remember that its not about how many people you keep around you but rather about what kind of people you are surrounding yourself with.
Remove toxic people from your surroundings, rather choose to be with people who uplift you and make you a better person.

Choose to surround yourself with people who have dreams, desire and ambition. Push each other to realize your own dreams and motivate each other.


Learn to let go

“One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you cannot change.”

Always remember this line. Be it relationship, friendship, job or business, let go of anything hurting you or holding you back. Not everything is meant to be, it is a harsh reality that all of us will face at some point in life. And most of the time, it happens for a good reason which you will see down the period of time.



Remember that there is no formula or straight path in life, each of us go through a different path. I may not have it all figured out yet, but I will someday in the near future and so will you. Just remember to never give up and embrace your imperfections, use them to mould your future.