Valentina Tereshkhova - First woman to fly to Space

Valentina Tereshkhova - First woman to fly to Space
Valentina tereshkhova

Name: Valentina Tereshkhova- Cosmonaut, Firls woman to go to into space

Full name:- Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkhova

Born: 6 March, 1937- Russia

Awards: Hero of the Soviet union-1963, Order of Lenin-1963, Order of Honor-2003, Order of Frienship-2011, Order of Alexander Nevsky-2013, won the Russian Federation state Prize,  Awarded the Gold Star ‘Hero of socialist Order’, Order of Merit of the Fatherland.

Valentina Tereshkhova is the first woman to fly into space. She is a retired cosmonaut, engineer and politician. Before her recruitment as a cosmonaut she was a textile- factory assembly worker and an amateur skydiver. She travelled round the earth for three full days. She was a hardcore communist and her feminist views made her join the Soviet Women’s committee where she tirelessly worked for the betterment of women.

“If women can be railroad workers in Russia, why can’t they fly In space?”
~Valentina Tereshkhova



  • 1937: Valentina tereshkhova is born
  • 1954: Stops her education and starts working in textile industry to support her family financially
  • 1959: Developed interest in Sky Diving and made her first jump while she was 22 years.
  • 1962: Becomes ne of the five people selected to join the Female cosmonauts Corps out of 400 applicants
  • 1963: 16th June- Takes off for space aboard Vostok-6
  • 1963: 16th July- Valentina comes back to earth